Q: What are the arrival and departure times?

A: Arrival is from 3.30pm and departure by 10am

Q: Can I stay for one night?

A: We sometimes offer last minute one night stays in Winter, but not at other times.

Q: I have a dog but the dog friendly properties are full, can you make an exception for my dog in one of your other homes?

A: No, sorry. We have a number of loyal guests who have allergies to pets. Most cottages are also feather free and have hypo-allergenic bedding. That said, we do not guarantee that dogs have been in or near our homes. If you have allergies, please speak to us before booking to decide if a property is right for you.

Q: I need my mobile telephone when I am away, will it work?

A: Unfortunately, if you are in Runswick Bay your mobile phone probably won’t work. All parts of the North Yorkshire Coast have areas with poor mobile phone reception.

Q: Your property says it sleeps 6 but there are 8 of us, can the extra people sleep on the sofa / bring a blow up bed?

A: Sorry but no. Our insurance policies only covers us for the number of people advertised in the description of each property.

Q: Is there parking in Runswick Bay?

A: Most cottages offer a car park permit within the rates quoted but please check each listing as some differ. Cottages at the top of the hill have their own parking outside each house (no permits)
There is a Pay & Display Car park in the lower village. Download the RingGo App before your arrival and search for location 4644

Contact Us

T : 07970 300068

E : stay@runswickbaycottages.co.uk

Can't find what you're looking for? Why not call us - 07970 300068
9am-5pm Mon to Fri, Closed Saturdays & Sundays

Email stay@runswickbaycottages.co.uk